This Thursday (June 26) we as the Sr. Youth are going to celebrate our cultural heritage with a "Menno-Night" of all things Mennonite. Come dressed old-school (let the images here in this post be a template for ideas!) and brush up on your German! Hook up the ol' horse and buggy and meet at the church at 7:00! Prizes will be awarded.
Do you like to compartmentalize your foods? Do you like to take it one course at a time? Do you like to move around the town during the course of you evening meal? If so then have we got something for you! This Thursday is a progressive dinner. Meet at the church at 5:30pm and we'll be about the town on a memorable dinning experience.
This Thursday (June 5) is our annual Yuck Night! Come for a time of culinary delights and civilized socializing. Don't wear your Sunday best. When: Thursday at the church at 7pm Cost: $3